Saturday, February 10, 2007

The tree of knowledge and affiliate marketing

God created Adam and Eve and told them NOT to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge".

But being God, he knew that they will eventually eat it. Still God kept that tree there, providing the opportunity for Adam and Eve to eat the fruit.

Now, if he knew that they will indeed eat it, why did he let that happen?

God knew they will eat, and that they would eventually suffer.

Still he kept the tree there…… why ?

If he had asked, or instructed Adam to do what he should do, i.e., procreate, or to put in another way [go forth and multiply, basically go have sex]... Eve would eventually end up saying she had a headache... and this character would all due respect, would return and report what she said, not knowing what to do next!

By using the above method, not only there is a sensuous element to the whole thing, which ofcourse is very essential to such an act, but also a learning part which is even more important...

Furthermore, man by nature is curious, that is if he is asked or instructed to generally do something he tends to analyze... which could only mean destruction of the objective...

So learning, curiosity, sensuousness, a bit of evil and suspicion [for the drama and to balance the good things] eventually leads the path to desire and procreation…

The funny thing is however hard you analyze the whole act of creation and subsequent condemnation; you come up with a different but an effective and satisfying answer... That is to say, even if there was an element of sadism present, it was placed or programmed to the whole sequence of events with a prior objective...

Some dude, eh !

Now what do we learn from this…. More than the creation, condemnation and the rest of the razzmatazz that follow…. It is the whole concept that makes us stand in awe… that we have realized something, although a “couple of centuries late”

So, the whole focus is on the joy of realization through learning, be it through trial and error, or through our mistakes such as the above condemnation!

Now that’s enough of the heady stuff and let’s get to the crap of things…

Similarly, most people approach their first online business with a lot of enthusiasm, but have no idea of where to start. As they research on how to start their affiliate business, they keep hearing about one thing or another that they "have to do" And with each new thing, they drop what they're doing and head in an altogether new direction

As they say, if your mind is empty, it is ready for anything and it is open to everything. In That is to say in the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few.

So NEVER be afraid to try out anything…. Even if you have to lose out, it may benefit you later !

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